UPTU Notes

5 ways to take the exam for the next semester

It is still this month of the year when each student remains tense. It is this month that students realize that the biannual exam is not only about grades, but also about success. This is the month when students ask for more help than they seek God. This is the month when all students become religious and try a hilarious method to impress God. Boys and girls say “Hello in November”. Your biannual exams will start and you have not yet opened the book. Well, you do not have to worry, you’re not just in the boat. Just take a deep breath and relax, I’m here to solve your problem.

Wake Up At 4 am

This is the most important rule. I know that awakening is difficult for students. But if you apply this rule for only one month, it will help you to pass your semester with ease. The problem with nocturnal studies is that our brains do not work effectively.

During the day, our brain performs hundreds of tasks. Therefore, at night, his performances are not effective and he has also been approved by science. So, try to get up early, it will be difficult at first, but it will be fine, believe me.

Studying in the morning will help you focus on your subject while your classmates can sleep at that time. Go study in the morning instead of studying in the evening.

Circle Important Questions

If you opened the book for the first time, it will be difficult to go through the entire program. Instead, make a circle or notes for important questions. Make separate notes or circle them. This will help you succeed in the semester because these are the questions that may arise. Trust me, if you make circles or separate notes of important questions, it will surely help you pass the semester exam and get good marks.

How to study – 50 ‘study 10’ physical rest

This is the best method to study. Spend 50 minutes studying and 10 minutes for a physical break. The keynote is that during the 10-minute break, you do not have to use a cell phone. Just do some physical work such as cleaning or cleaning your house. All that gives peace of mind but not a mobile device or time-wasting device. Our brain can only function properly for 50 minutes and then it needs to rest. Even at NASA, they are taught the same thing. So, apply this rule and it will help you a lot. If you use the mobile, your brain will take a long time to refocus to study.

Start before a week or 10 days before the exam

Yes, you must start a week or 10 days before because studying is a habit. Now let’s take the example of a boy who will compete at the Olympics. If the Olympian trains just one month before the match, how can he expect him to win this race? But it’s the same for us. Studying is a habit. If you say that you can decipher the exam for a semester of study the day before, you are mistaken. Do not be fooled into thinking that you can take the exam a night before the exam.

Some other hacks

Try to eat foods rich in vitamin C. And try every question during the test, whether you know the answer or not. Try to fill the sheet as much as you can. Focus on the diagram rather than the theory. I met some of my friends who sleep less and call this trouble. But you prefer to have a solid dream of 8 hours and work 14 productive hours focused on the laser. Try to watch inspiring and motivating videos during exam days.