UPTU Notes

Excessive use of social networks leads to depression and loneliness: Research

Limiting the use of Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram can directly help reduce depression and loneliness. A new study in the United States found that reducing the time spent on social media platforms can help improve the well-being of Internet users.

The research was devoted to the study of 143 university students for three weeks. These students were divided into two groups: one of them continued to use social networks as he saw fit. The other group was allowed to use social networks for only 10 minutes a day. The students were asked to share the smartphone’s battery usage with the researchers to track the use of the apps.

The article “No more FOMO: the limitation of social networks reduces the loneliness and depression” Melissa G. Hunt, Rachel Marx, Courtney Lipson and Jordyn Young describes the effect of the use of social networks on human beings. Limited-use participants showed a significant reduction in loneliness and depression for three weeks. The study questions the effects of Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram on young adults.

The co-author of the study, Melissa Hunt, said: “By using less social media that would normally result in a significant decrease in depression and loneliness, these effects are particularly pronounced for the more depressed people when they joined the study.”.

Social networking platforms claim to build relationships and maintain relationships with loved ones. It is ironic that reducing the use of social networks according to research will make you feel less alone. One of the reasons people feel depressed is that they compare their lives to social networks and develop an inferiority complex.

The study does not suggest that young adults should stop using social networks. The researchers wanted to promote the limitation of screen time that could be beneficial for the overall health of young adults. In addition to this finding, both groups showed a significant decrease in anxiety and depression, which may be due to the increased level of self-control.