UPTU Notes

Facebook introduces a tool to automatically search for errors in the software

Facebook has introduced a new tool called Sapienz that is designed to help developers find errors before the software reaches the intended users.

We all have experienced software applications that freeze or do not work properly. The repository of the central code of Facebook receives almost one million commands every day. Errors can occur during the more than 100,000 changes made to the software each week. It is expected that the new tool minimizes the occurrences of these errors.

Sapienz is designed to scan code in different stages of the development process. It can be used for pre-tests, internal tests and at the time of final compilation. The tool works in “search-based software engineering” and scans the code for different kinds of errors and also suggests relevant solutions.

Software-based search is receiving a lot of interest and the trend is accelerating in the software industry these days. The search-based approach will help programmers develop tests so they do not have to worry about errors in the code they produce.

With Sapienz, developers can automatically generate test cases when the code is sent. The tool will highlight the errors in the program. The tool is designed to automatically discover faults. The company hopes that the next version of Sapienz can also correct errors automatically.

Once the code is scanned, the suggested corrections will be directed to the developer. The developer can finally review and decide if the solution should go to the base of the code. Sapienz from Facebook will significantly reduce the time it takes developers to debug software and has the potential to make automated software testing more intelligent.