UPTU Notes

How social networks help health

The development of social networks has changed the way that customers and businesses interact online. In the early days of the Web, the interaction included direct instructions from top to bottom; The details have been proposed on fixed web pages or by e-mail.

Social networks have redefined the standard function and reduced the degree of separation between knowledge providers and knowledge consumers.

The use of social networks continues to increase and, most notably, the fastest growing group of social network users are people aged 45 to 54. Although the patterns are indisputable, there is still much that we do not know about the usefulness of social networks for interaction and treatment functions of healthcare companies.

Although there are restrictions for different directives and policies related to the medical market, I personally think that the risks are much greater if companies do not use the social media technique for their clients.

In fact, I recognized 5 advantages to using social networks to interact with medical care, medical education and treatments.

Boosts interactions with others

Counterpart medical care has become a source of information and assistance to the client. 25% of clients diagnosed with persistent health problems used the network to identify and interact with people with the same health problems. Health experts should take advantage of these subcultures to provide responsible and informed advice.

The one-to-many capabilities of the social network also allow you to offer public medical advice without compromising confidentiality. Think about the patient’s adherence. As you will understand, patient adherence is a concern that health care companies face in all disciplines.

A brief, well-written article on self-directed training, the use of medical devices, and self-treatment offers patients almost real-time guidance for correctly following medical advice.

Available shared and personalized.

Available shared and customized details

Patients use Google as a diagnostic method. Currently, searches associated with Google health include more than 900 health issues. Although there is information, people often find unconventional ways to find out.

As a health care company, you can limit yourself not only to information about your patient’s medical condition, but also to the best way to get more information. If you discover a publication on social networks, you can quickly remedy the misalignment of medical diagnosis by directing the user to more appropriate information.

Even providing suggestions on how to use Google Scholar to search for conditions can do a lot. For example, try searching for “sleep disorder treatment” in Google, then “treating sleep disorders” in Google Scholar. The reliability and quality of the details during the last search are very remarkable compared to the previous one.

Boost your access and availability

For several years, a regional health professional has had complete control over all the medical details available in a neighborhood. The network and social networks have gradually changed the fact that providing the public not only with access to medical education, but becoming an active agent in the direct communication efforts.

There are also benefits for health professionals. Doctors have embraced new technologies in their brands, logos and the general way of showing their experience to the public.

If you are a regional doctor in a small neighborhood and meet a patient with a variety of unusual symptoms, you can use social networks to get in touch with other doctors. In fact, this is a fantastic way to broaden your knowledge by expanding your medical network of experts beyond the boundaries of your library and regional health network.

Peer/social/emotional assistance

Social assistance has in fact been associated with favorable health outcomes. Some studies conclude that patient support and overall health are enhanced by peer support, demonstrating that motivation is the key to any aspect of health care. life.

Helene Campbell, an Ottawa girl who used social media to record her condition and her own need for new lungs, has an impact on my personal ideas about it. Her online project #BeAnOrganDonor on Twitter has helped more than 2,000 people become licensed organ donors in Ontario.

In addition, open discussion of health issues will only reduce the preconceptions of members of the public who are dealing with health issues. Personally, I think education eliminates worry and isolation.

Finally, physicians can offer ongoing assistance and support to patients in pursuit of their goals. Remember to quit: Quitting is one of the hardest things to do. Believe me, I actually stopped smoking 7 times. The supportive support of a physician can help your patients achieve their goals.

Public health surveillance

I do not expect social networks to replace standard information sources for surveillance of public health and disease. However, social networks have the potential to obtain additional information.

Whenever this set of interactions is established, the information is not primarily intended for public health functions, but is a collection of online communications that promotes healthy living, disease risks and interventions.

In addition to being another resource for data distribution, social networks can be used to provide quick projections of the onset of disease. Think of the flu. It has been found that Twitter information on colds correlates with seasonal influenza information collected by more conventional sources.

These social network models can help scientists, epidemiologists, and health experts measure changes in disease awareness, treatment, and preventive care beliefs. In addition, social network information can determine the response to messages and public health projects.

Analysis of the parameters related to health promotion or disease awareness projects provides useful information to health experts throughout the evaluation of their projects.


The use of social networks is growing and is not likely to disappear. Currently, the general public and health care companies participate in social networks for the interaction and treatment of medical care. While it is difficult to maintain the confidentiality of personal information and the trustworthiness of shared content on the Internet, the benefits to the public and healthcare companies exceed their limits.

Whether you use social media or not, it is essential that you develop an appropriate social networking policy and share it with all staff. Consider translating existing guidelines, such as PHIPA and PIPEDA, and use them for your social media strategies when referring to the collection and management of customer information.

When collecting information, use technology that protects the format of interactions on social networks, including edits and deletions. Control and review real-time social network interactions and act on any message that contains keywords or phrases appropriate to your practice.

Educate staff who will use social networks; Use concrete examples that show how to use social networks and how not to do it.

Finally, be sure to develop a compliance content technique by producing a content library that your staff can quickly publish on social media, reducing the risk of medical fraud.